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- Kinder- & Jugendreha
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Zum Rehabilitationskonzept gibt es seit 2006 einen wissenschaftlichen Beirat, der sich wie folgt zusammensetzt:
Arbeitsgruppe Prof. Dr. Froböse - Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln
Arbeitsgruppe Prof. Dr. Lauterbach - Institut für Gesundheitsökonomie der Universität zu Köln
Arbeitsgruppe Prof. Schönau - Klinik und Poliklinik für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin und UniReha GmbH
Seither sind aus unserem Rehabilitationskonzept bzw. den klinischen Studien eine ganze Reihe von wissenschaftlichen Publikationen erschienen sowie Vorträge auf nationalen und internationalen Kongressen entstanden:
- First results of the Cologne rehabilitation concept for children with reduced mobility
- A new concept on functional integrative physiotherapy in children with Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation
- Effect of vibration training and functional therapeutic muscle training on muscle function and activities of daily living in children with MMC
- Whole body vibration in children with SMA Type II and III
Auf Wunsch versenden wir die komplette Publikationsliste sowie einzeln angeforderte Publikationen.
Kontakt: geschaeftsfuehrung@unireha-koeln.de
Development of bone mineral density and content in children with cerebral palsy: a retrospective, longitudinal study
Koebke P, Schafmeyer L, Lentzen B, Keller T, Schoenau E, Duran I.
J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2025 Jan 31. doi: 10.1515/jpem-2024-0519
- Effect of a Rehabilitation Program Including Home-Based Vibration-Assisted Therapy on Gait Parameters in Children with Cerebral Palsy.
Steven S., Spiess K., Lentzen B., Reinhart N., Schoenau E., Duran I.
Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions, 2024 Jun - Trends in Physical Fitness in Children and Adolescents Within the Past 18 Years (DONALD Study).
Wloka K.R., Alexy U., Reinhart N., Alberg E., Martakis K., Schönau E., Duran I.
Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions 2024 July - Using artificial intelligence-based technologies to detect clinically relevant changes of gross motor function in children with cerebral palsy
Schafmeyer L., Losch H, Bossier C, Lanz I, Wunram HL., Schoenau E., Duran I.
Dev Med Child Neurol. 2024 Feb;66(2):226-232. doi: 10.1111/dmcn.15744. - Interaction between fat- and muscle development in children and adolescents
Schafmeyer L, Linden T, Wunram HL, Semmelweis A, Schoenau E, Duran I.
Anthropol Anz. 2024 Jan 25;81(1):1-8. doi: 10.1127/anthranz/2023/1612. PMID: 37449737. - Reference centiles of bone mineral density, and body composition of lower limbs in children and adolescents for Hologic DXA Discovery model A.
Schafmeyer L, Bossier C, Heistermann J, Wunram H, Schoenau E, Duran I.
Anthropol Anz. 2024 Jan 25;81(1):9-18. doi: 10.1127/anthranz/2023/1687. PMID: 37449738. - Test–Retest Reliability of Deep Learning Analysis of Brain Volumes in Adolescent Brain.
Kasparbauer A-M., Wunram HL, Abuhsin F , Körber F , Schönau E , Bender S and Duran I.
MDPI 2024, 15, 748. doi.org/10.3390/info15120748, 25.11.2024 - Neuer zeitsparender Motorik-Test für Kinder mit Zerebralparese: Reduziert künstliche Intelligenz den Testaufwand?
Duran I., Schafmeyer L., Steven S., Schönau E.
23. Jg. (2024) Nr. 4, Neuropädiatrie in Klinik und Praxis, 2024 April
- Effect of Whole-body Vibration frequency on muscle tensile state during graded plantar flexor isometric contractions Muanjai P., Haas C., Sies W., Mittag U., Zange J., Schönau E., Duran I., Kamandulis S., Rittweger J. J Exerc Sci Fit. 2023 Oct;21(4):405-415. doi: 10.1016/j.jesf.2023.10.003.
- Multivariable reference centiles for maximum grip strength in childhood to young adults Duran I., Wloka KR., Martakis K., Spiess K., Alexy U., Schoenau E.. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2023 Dec 29. doi: 10.1038/s41430-023-01395-4.
- Jumping Mechanography: Reference Centiles in Childhood and Introduction of the Nerve-Muscle Index to Quantify Motor Efficiency Martakis K., Alexy U., Stark C., Hahn A., Rawer R., Duran I., Schönau E. J Clin Med. 2023 Sep 15;12(18):5984. doi: 10.3390/jcm12185984.
- Predicting Gross Motor Function in Children and Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy Applying Artificial Intelligence Using Data on Assistive Devices
von Elling-Tammen L., Stark C., Wloka K., Alberg E., Schoenau E, Duran I.
Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2023, doi.org/10.3390/jcm12062228 - Case Report- Improved Enzyme Replacement Therapy with Cipaglucosidase Alfa/Miglustat in Infantile Pompe Disease
Fiege L, Duran I., Marquardt T.
Pharmaceuticals 2023, 16, 1199. https://doi.org/10.3390/ph16091199
- Changes in cardiovascular risk factors among children and young adults with type 1 diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to previous years—Results from the German DPV registry
Eckert A. J., Linke S., Schwab K-O., von dem Berge T., Schönau E., Duran I., Dost A., Joisten C., Bartelt H., Braune K., Rosenbauer J., Holl R. W.
Journal of Diabetes, wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/jdb, 2022 November, doi: 10.1111/1753-0407.13340 - Diagnostic Evaluation of the Functional Muscle-Bone Unit in Children With Cerebral Palsy With and Without Low Trauma Fractures
Schafmeyer L., Al-Monajjed M., Linden T., Wunram H. L., Semler O., Schönau E., Duran I.
Journal of Clinical Densitometry: Assessment & Management of Musculoskeletal Health 2022, 1-9, doi: 10.1016/j.jocd.2022.01.002 - Body Fat Distribution in Children and Adolescents With Cerebral Palsy.
Ewert KR, Semmelweis A, Heistermann J, Schafmeyer L, Schoenau E, Duran I.
Journal of Clinical Densitometry: 2022 Jul-Sep;25(3):285-292. doi: 10.1016/j.jocd.2022.05.002. Epub 2022 May 26. - Vibration assisted rehabilitation in patients with Pompe disease: A case series
Jones A, Duran I, Stark C, Spiess K, Semler O, Schoenau E.
J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 2022 Jun 1;22(2):284-291
- Association of muscle mass and fat mass on low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride plasma concentration in children and adolescents Martakis K, Stark C, Rehberg M, Jackels M, Schoenau E, Duran I.. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2021 Jul 16. doi.org/10.1515/jpem-2021-0254.
- Effects of long-term immobilisation on endomysium of the soleus muscle in humans.
Thot GK, Berwanger C, Mulder E, Lee JK, Lichterfeld Y, Ganse B, Giakoumaki I, Degens H, Duran I, Schönau E, Clemen CS, Brachvogel B, Rittweger J. Exp Physiol. 2021 Aug 13. DOI: 10.113/EP089734 - Artificial intelligence to improve efficiency of administration of gross motor function assessment in children with cerebral palsy
Duran I, Stark C, Saglam A, Semmelweis A, Lioba Wunram H, Spiess K, Schoenau E.. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2021 Aug 13. DOI: 10.1111/dmcn.15010 - Accelerometric Gait Analiysis Devices in Children – Will they accept them? Results from the AVAPed Study
Wiedmann I, Grassi M, Duran I, Lavrador R, Alberg E, Daumer M, Schoenau E, Rittweger J.
Frontiers in pediatrics, 2021 Jan. doi: 10.3389/fped.2020.574443. - Pediatric Reference Centiles of Bone Mineral Density and Body Composition of Lower Limbs
Schafmeyer L., Linden T., Sill H., Rehberg M., Schönau E., Duran I.
Journal of Clinical Densitometry: Assemssment & Management of Musculoskeletal Health, 2021, 1-8, doi: 10.1016/j.jocd.2021.07.013
- Reliability of a radiation-free, noninvasive and computer-assisted assessment of the spine in children with cerebral palsy.
Ruthard K, Raabe-Oetker A, Ruthard J, Oppermann T, Duran I, Schönau E.
Eur Spine J. 2020;29(5):937-942. - Microarchitecture Assessed by Trabecular Bone Score Is Independent of Mobility Level or Height in Pediatric Patients with Cerebral Palsy
Rehberg M, Azim M, Martakis K, Winzenrieth R, Hoyer-Kuhn H, Schoenau E, Semler O, Duran I.
Bone, 2020 May 12. J Bone Miner Res. 2020;10.1002/jbmr.4047 - Reference Centiles to Monitor the 6-minute-walk Test in Ambulant Children with Cerebral Palsy and Identification of Effects after Rehabilitation Utilizing Whole-body Vibration.
Martakis K, Stark C, Rehberg M, Semler O, Duran I and Schoenau E.
Dev Neurorehabil. 2020;1-11. - Association of Trunk/Leg Fat Mass Ratio with Low-Density Lipoproteins-Cholesterol and Triglycerides Concentration in Children and Adolescents: A Cross-Sectional, Retrospective Study
Duran I, Martakis K, Alberg E, Jackels M, Ewert KR, Schoenau E.
Child Obes. 2020;10.1089/chi.2019.0307 - Effect of an interval rehabilitation program with home-based, vibration-assisted training on the development of muscle and bone in children with cerebral palsy - an observational study
Duran I, Martakis K, Stark C, Schafmeyer L, Rehberg M, Schoenau E.
J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2020 Juli - Effect of Long-Term Repeated Interval Rehabilitation on the Gross Motor Function Measure in Children with Cerebral Palsy.
Stark C, Duran I, Martakis K, Spiess K, Semler O, Schoenau E.
Neuropediatrics. 2020 Oct 16. doi: 10.1055/s-0040-1715489
- Inverse Association of High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Concentration with Muscle Mass in Children.
Duran I, Martakis K, Schafmeyer L, Jackels M, Rehberg M, Schoenau E.
Child Obes. 2019 Jul 8. doi: 10.1089/chi.2019.0122 - Interaction of body fat percentage and height with appendicular functional muscle-bone unit.
Duran I, Martakis K, Bossier C, Stark C, Rehberg M, Semler O, Schoenau E.
Arch Osteoporos. 2019 Jun 20;14(1):65. doi: 10.1007/s11657-019-0610-5 - The Appendicular Lean Mass Index Is a Suitable Surrogate for Muscle Mass in Children with Cerebral Palsy.
Duran I, Martakis K, Rehberg M, Stark C, Koy A, Schoenau E.
J Nutr. 2019 Jun 17. pii: nxz127. doi: 10.1093/jn/nxz127 - One-Minute Walk Test in Children with Cerebral Palsy GMFCS Level 1 and 2: Reference Values to Identify Therapeutic Effects after Rehabilitation.
Martakis K, Stark C, Rehberg M, Semler O, Duran I, Schoenau E.
Dev Neurorehabil. 2019 Jun 10:1-9. doi: 10.1080/17518423.2019.1625981 - Anthropometric measurements to identify undernutrition in children with cerebral palsy.
Duran I, Martakis K, Rehberg M, Semler O, Schoenau E.
Dev Med Child Neurol. 2019 Mar 29. doi: 10.1111/dmcn.14225 - Diagnostic performance of an artificial neural network to predict excess body fat in children.
Duran I, Martakis K, Rehberg M, Semler O, Schoenau E.
Pediatr Obes. 2019 Feb;14(2):e12494. doi: 10.1111/ijpo.12494 - Reference Centiles for the Evaluation of Nutritional Status in Children using Body Fat Percentage, Fat Mass and Lean Body Mass Index.
Duran I, Martakis K, Rehberg M, Stark C, Schafmeyer L, Schoenau E.
J Clin Densitom. 2019 Feb 7. doi: 10.1016/j.jocd.2019.02.002 - Development of disorder-specific normative data for growth in children with cerebral palsy.
Egenolf P, Duran I, Stark C, Martakis K, Hamacher S, Schoenau E, Semler O.
Eur J Pediatr. 2019 Jun;178(6):811-822. doi: 10.1007/s00431-019-03360-5. - Motor Function Improvement in Children with Ataxia Receiving Interval Rehabilitation, Including Vibration-Assisted Hometraining: A Retrospective Study
Martakis K., Stark C., Alberg E., Bossier C., Semler O., Schönau E., Duran I.
Thieme, Klin Padiatr 2019, 231: 304-312, doi: 10.1055/a-1001-2284
- Vibration-Assisted Home Training Program for Children With Spinal Muscular Atrophy.
Stark C, Duran I, Cirak S, Hamacher S, Hoyer-Kuhn HK, Semler O, Schoenau E.
Child Neurol Open. 2018 Jun 10;5:2329048X18780477. doi: 10.1177/2329048X18780477 - Individualized evaluation of lumbar bone mineral density in children with cerebral palsy.
Duran I, Katzmann J, Martakis K, Stark C, Semler O, Schoenau E.
Arch Osteoporos. 2018 Nov 5;13(1):120. doi: 10.1007/s11657-018-0531-8 - Individualized evaluation of lumbar bone mineral density and bone mineral apparent density in children and adolescents.
Duran I, Martakis K, Rehberg M, Semler O, Schoenau E.
Arch Osteoporos. 2018 Oct 29;13(1):117. doi: 10.1007/s11657-018-0532-7 - Reference centiles for the gross motor function measure and identification of therapeutic effects in children with cerebral palsy.
Duran I, Stark C, Martakis K, Hamacher S, Semler O, Schoenau E.
J Eval Clin Pract. 2019 Feb;25(1):78-87. doi: 10.1111/jep.12990. [Epub ahead of print] - Diagnostic performance of body mass index to identify excess body fat in children with cerebral palsy.
Duran I, Schulze J, Martakis K, Stark C, Schoenau E.
Dev Med Child Neurol. 2018 Jul;60(7):680-686. doi: 10.1111/dmcn.13714 - Are there effects of age, gender, height, and body fat on the functional muscle-bone unit in children and adults?
Duran I, Martakis K, Hamacher S, Stark C, Semler O, Schoenau E.
Osteoporos Int. 2018 May;29(5):1069-1079. doi: 10.1007/s00198-018-4401-4. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 29455248.
- The functional muscle-bone unit in children with cerebral palsy.
Duran I, Schütz F, Hamacher S, Semler O, Stark C, Schulze J, Rittweger J, Schoenau E.
Osteoporos Int. 2017 Jul;28(7):2081-2093. doi: 10.1007/s00198-017-4023-2. Epub 2017 Apr 1. PubMed PMID: 28365851. - Krause A, Schoenau E, Gollhofer A, Duran I, Ferrari-Malik A, Freyler K and Ritzmann R.
Alleviation of Motor Impairments in Patients with Cerebral Palsy: Acute Effects of Whole-body Vibration on Stretch Reflex Response, Voluntary Muscle Activation and Mobility.
Front Neurol. 2017 Aug 16;8:416. - Experience with jumping mechanography in children with cerebral palsy.
Duran I, Martakis K, Stark C, Alberg E, Bossier C, Semler O, Schoenau E.
J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 2017 Sep 1;17(3):237-245.
- Early vibration assisted physiotherapy in toddlers with cerebral palsy - a randomized controlled pilot trial.
Stark C, Herkenrath P, Hollmann H, Waltz S, Becker I, Hoebing L, Semler O, Hoyer-Kuhn H, Duran I, Hero B, Hadders-Algra M, Schoenau E.
J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 2016 Sep 7;16(3):183-92. PubMed PMID: 27609033; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5114341.
- Results of a specialized rehabilitation approach in osteogenesis imperfecta.
Semler O., Hoyer-Kuhn H., Stark C., Schoenau E.
Bone Abstracts, 4 (P65), DOI:10.1530/boneabs.4, p. 65. - Neuromuscular training based on whole body vibration in children with spina bifida: a retrospective analysis of a new physiotherapy treatment program.
Stark C., Hoyer-Kuhn H.-K., Semler O., Hoebing L., Duran I., Cremer R., Schoenau E.
Childs Nerv Syst. 2015 Feb;31(2):301-9. - Biologisch-genetische Zeitfenster, Neuroplastizität, Frühtherapie.
Stark C., Schoenau E.
Orthopädie Technik. 2015 4, pp. 56-60. - Early vibration assisted physiotherapy in children with cerebral palsy (12-24mo of age) –pilot RCT.
Stark C., Semler O. & Schoenau E.
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, Special Issue: Abstracts of the American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine 69th Annual Meeting, 21–24 October 2015, Austin, Texas, USA, p.39. - Summary of results for intensive physiotherapy combined with home-based training in different movement disorders (Abstract).
Stark C., Schoenau E., Semler O., Hoyer-Kuhn H.
European Journal of Paediatric Neurology. 2015 19s, pp. S136.
- A specialized rehabilitation approach improves mobility in children with osteogenesis imperfecta.
Hoyer-Kuhn H.-K., Semler O., Stark C., Goebel O., Struebing N., Schoenau E.
J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 2014 Dec;14(4):445-53. - Two years' experience with denosumab for children with osteogenesis imperfecta type VI.
Hoyer-Kuhn H.-K., Netzer C., Koerber F., Schoenau E., Semler O.
Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2014 Sep 26;9:145. - A nonclassical IFITM5 mutation located in the coding region causes severe osteogenesis imperfecta with prenatal onset.
Hoyer-Kuhn H.-K., Semler O., Garbes L., Zimmermann K., Becker J., Wollnik B. et al.
J Bone Miner Res. 2014 Jun;29(6):1387-91. - Effect of denusumab on the growing skeleton in osteogenesis imperfecta.
Hoyer-Kuhn H.-K., Semler O., Schoenau E.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Nov;99(11):3954-5. - Sinn und Nutzen der Knochendichtemessung in der Pädiatrie.
Knoop K., Hoyer-Kuhn H., Schoenau E., Semler O.
Pädiatr Prax. 2014 83(1), pp. 111-20. - Functional recovery after experimental spinal cord compression and whole body vibration therapy requires a balanced revascularization of the injured site.
Manthou M., Nohroudi K., Moscarino S., Rehberg F., Stein G., Jansen R., Abdulla D., Jaminet P., Semler O., Schoenau E., Angelov D.N.
Restor Neurol Neurosci. 2015;33(2):233-49. doi: 10.3233/RNN-140434. - Effect of Whole-Body Vibration and Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I on Muscle Paralysis-Induced Bone Degeneration after Botulinum Toxin Injection in Mice.
Niehoff A., Lechner P., Ratiu O., Reuter S., Hamann N., Brüggemann G.-P., Schoenau E., Bloch W., Beccard R.
Calcif Tissue Int. 2014 Apr;94(4):373-83. - Neuromuscular training based on whole body vibration in children with spina bifida: a retrospective analysis of a new physiotherapy treatment program.
Stark C., Hoyer-Kuhn H.-K., Semler O., Hoebing L., Duran I., Cremer R., Schoenau E.
Childs Nerv Syst. 2015 Feb;31(2):301-9. - Physiologie des muskulo-skelettalen Systems – Von der funktionellen Muskel-Knochen-Einheit zu innovativen Reha-Konzepten für Kinder und Jugendliche mit Bewegungsstörungen.
Stark C., Schoenau E.
Kinder und Jugendarzt. 2014 45(7), pp. 366-70. - Sekundäre Formen der Osteoporose: Besonderheiten der Diagnostik im Kindesund Jugendalter.
Stark C., Knoop K., Hoyer-Kuhn H., Schoenau H., Schoenau E., Semler O.
Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie. 2014 73, pp. 335-41. - Wholebody vibration trainnig in children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and spinal muscular atrophy.
Vry J., Schubert I. J., Semler O., Haug V., Schoenau E., Kirschner J.
Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2014 Mar;18(2):140-9.
- Intervallrehabilitation mit häuslichem Training bei Kindern mit Zerebralparese.
Stark C., Semler O., Duran I., Stabrey A., Kaul I., Herkenrath P., Hollmann H., Waltz S., Schoenau E.
(2013) Monatsschrift für Kinderheilkunde (2013), 161, pp. 625–32. - Whole-Body Vibration Improves Functional Recovery in Spinal Cord Injured Rats.
Wirth F., Schempf G., Stein G., Wellmann K., Manthou M., Scholl C., Sidorenko M., Semler O., Eisel L., Harrach R., Angelova S., Jaminet P., Ankerne J., Ashrafi M., Ozsoy O., Ozsoy U., Schubert H., Abdulla D., Dunlop S. A., Angelov D. N. Irintchev A., Schoenau E.
J Neurotrauma. 2013 Mar 15;30(6):453-68.
- Attenuated BMP1 Function Compromises Osteogenesis, Leading to Bone Fragility in Humans and Zebrafish.
Asharani P.V., Keupp K., Semler O., Wang W., Li Y., et al.
Am J Hum Genet. 2012 Apr 6;90(4):661-74. - Functional deficits and morphological changes in the neurogenic bladder match the severity of spinal cord compression.
Ozsoy O., Ozsoy U., Stein G., Semler O., Skouras E., Schempf G., Wellmann K., et al.
Restor Neurol Neurosci. 2012;30(5):363-81. - A Mutation in the 5´-Untranslated Region of IFITM5 Creates an In-Frame Start Codon and Causes Autosomal-Dominant Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type V with Hyperplastic Callus.
Semler O., Garbes L., Keupp K., et al.
Am J Hum Genet. 2012 Aug 10;91(2):349-57. - First use of the RANKL antibody denosumab in osteogenesis imperfecta type VI.
Semler O., Netzer C., Hoyer-Kuhn H., Becker J., Eysel P., Schoenau E.
J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 2012 Sep;12(3):183-8.
- Auf die Beine - Ein Reha-Konzept für Kinder.
Beck K., David S., Duran I., Müller B., Schoenau E., Schwanitz C., Semler O., Springorum H.P., Stark C., Weber A., Welzel K., Wilms U.
Zeitschrift für Physiotherapeuten, 63(12), Sonderbeilage. - Exome Sequencing Identifies Truncating Mutations in Human SERPINF1 in Autosomal-Recessive Osteogenesis Imperfecta.
Semler O., Becker J., Gilissen C., Li Y., Bolz H.J., Giunta C., et al.
Am J Hum Genet. 2011 Mar 11;88(3):362-71.
- Analyses of muscular mass and function: the impact on bone mineral density and peak muscle mass.
Fricke O, Beccard R, Semler O, Schoenau E.
Pediatr Nephrol. 2010 Dec;25(12):2393-400. - Reporting whole-body vibration intervention studies: recommendations of the International Society of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions.
Rauch F., Sievanen H., Boonen S., Cardinale M., Degens H., Felsenberg D., Roth J., Schoenau E., Verschueren S., Rittweger J.
J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 2010 Sep;10(3):193-8. - Effect of a New Physiotherapy Concept on Bone Mineral Density, Muscle Force and Gross Motor Function in Children with Bilateral Cerebral Palsy.
Stark C., Nikopoulou-Smyrni P., Stabrey A., Semler O., Schoenau E.
J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 2010 Jun;10(2):151-8.